Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wee wee

this is a bit late, but i can't possibly not comment about this.

i tend to agree with her. i remember blogging once that the it would be more charitable to the poor to let them die a swift death (i can't find the entry now...). honestly, why do we let them drag on with their lives, if their lives are such suffering? only so that we can be charitable and feel good about ourselves? if that is the case, would it not be greater charity to just kill them?

further, why should the weak be allowed to hold the strong back from becoming even stronger? why should the weaker specimens of the human species be allowed to stop humanity from achieving the greatness that should be the right of thost strong enough to achieve it? if people are too weak to face up and challenge their weaknesses, then they should just die. otherwise, they are only impeding the march of humanity towards becoming supermen.

but evolution is not about the individual. it is about the species. it is about the collective movement of humanity towards greatness. that requires competition, so the strong must face competition from the weak. it requires obstacles, so the strong has to make themselves stronger by dragging the rest of humanity with them, just as runners strap weights to themselves when training. it requires diversity, where the weak of today might have something that would make them strong tomorrow. so there is reason for the weak to exist. because our march towards actualising the full potential of humanity, of becoming the ideal Man is not about an individual becoming Superman, but it is about the species becoming ideal Humanity.

but there is no way we can do that if we continue to help the weak, the poor by just giving them money, or even to retrain them to meet the restructured job market. it is easy to fill the stomach, only slightly harder to fill the mind. but it is the heart, the spirit that we must fill. and that is difficult, nigh impossible.

so, while i don't personally disagree entirely with giving money to the wrongly skilled, lowly educated people who find themselves jobless and poor, doing that is but addressing a symptom, not the root cause. it is the mind, heart and spirit that we must fill and develop. and i challenge the next person who proposes social welfare to develop a robust system to counsel the same people they want to help to want to help themselves, so that these people do not learn helplessness, so that these people, while poor in material wealth are not trapped in the poverty of aspirations. just like the case of this businessman who was bankrupt at 73 and became a millionare again at 83. it's about the heart and the spirit. and if we really want to do something charitable, fill the heart, fill the spirit, celebrate the greatness that humanity can achieve, not stifle it with handouts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I subscribe more to the Dawkins view of evolution, where the species exists and thrives solely as an emergent property of the genetic flow.

6:49 PM


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