Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bartimaeus Trilogy

too underrated a series. first book started slow. but Bartimaeus' humour made it interesting and sustained interest. and it ended in such a way that you didn't really desperately want to read

the second book. but the second book did come along and for the heck of it i bought it and read it anyways. again the weird sense of humour that Bartimaeus displayed in the book made it interesting. it also kept you guessing, kind of a thriller, you want to know who that darn person is. and towards the end, it packed some really interesting ideas... some very incisive analogies of politics hidden amongst the folds of what seemed to be nothing more than a child's fantasy story. i thought that that was very cleverly done.

and the third book! again, slow start. but i knew that it must hide something interesting. and sure enough, i was not disappointed. plot was good. and again, it managed to weave some rather deep philosophies into the book, some rather deep themes. it even had a section that seemed close to be expounding Buddhism. and the end.... the end was absolutely beautifu. tragically beautiful.

well... if you enjoyed Harry Potter, you might very well enjoy the Bartimaeus Trilogy. similar, but quite different. give it a go if you have the time. :)


Blogger Rambling Alcoholic said...

Lend lend. Haha. I book first!

9:24 AM

Blogger rench00 said...

i'll find the first 2 books and pass you all three when i next meet you la.

10:33 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Are you serious?! It's a good book?! I'm a huge fan of harry potter..so I always thought that I should not support anything similar so that I will find Harry's story forever magical...

12:05 PM

Blogger rench00 said...

yes it is a good series. it is similar in that both are "children's fantasy" books and that the central character in both are prodigious young boys. but that's where the similarities end. the scene, plot, concept, etc are fairly different.

give it a go... you might enjoy it.

5:01 PM


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