Idle Idol
Singapore Idol's coming up again. i wonder why people still bother. i wonder whether anyone actually still idolise Taufik and Sylvester. and i don't remember them having done much recently. i suppose it's no wonder that "Idol" rhymes with "Idle".
it kind of reminds me of "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits. which kind of makes me wonder why it is that some of us have to slog so hard. i guess life just ain't fair. then again, of course it ain't fair. of the many million sperms, you are that one sperm that made it to the egg. so in a way, we are all champions the moment we were born.
on that happy note, i think i shall call it a night before i invoke the dark gods of lameness and flood this blog with any more crow-conjuring statements/jokes.
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