Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

sElected Presidency

right... i know this topic is a bit of the overdue and all... considering the Presidential non-Election happened quite some time ago. but then again... it is quite timely too... considering that he's swearing in today.

well... i am not questioning the legitimacy of Mr S R Nathan as the Elected President. but i am questioning the legitimacy of he Elected Presidency.

see, if the government openly endorses one candidate, and the other candidate gets his name dragged through mud, does it not make people wonder about how fair the entire system is?

the question about why JTC and all the other people have to come out and hold press conferences to slam Andrew Kuan, i think that just gives the impression that they are under orders of the MIW (no... not the NSmen website you twit...) to undermine the credibility of Andrew Kuan. thing is, well... if indeed he's not as good as he made himself out to be, then perhaps what JTC and gang could have done was to send their reports to the PEC and let the esteemed members of the PEC decide. but now that they have done that to Andrew Kuan, essentially pulled out all the skeletons in his closet and hung out his dirty laundry, it makes any other eligible people think twice before they consider running for presidency against the government endorsed candidate.

and that would cast doubt on the entire Elected Presidency. it's like... if you want to run for presidency, consider whether you have the endorsement of the government. otherwise, better be prepared to face the entire weight of every single government machinery.

but then... see... the elected president is supposed to hold the second key, to keep the government in check, just in case they turn profligate and squander all our reserves. but then he is endorsed by the government. the more intelligent amongst us (or rather... anyone who has a brain) will notice something really funny... the person who's supposed to keep an eye on me is someone i officially endorse?! erm... right... does it not sound like... CRONYISM?!!!

perhaps Tony (not Blair you idiot... Tan. Tony Tan) might run for the next (s)Elected Presidency...


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