Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Do you love your country?

would you stay in your country even if a better job opportunity presents itself somewhere else? would you still stay in your own country if you are able to go to another which has better living conditions at lower prices? would you do all these because your country needs you to stay? if you would, then perhaps you love your country.

would you stay and fight the system because you know that in fighting the system, you would make your country a better place? would you risk all your stable life just so that you can make lives better for your country man? would you be willing to see past differences to work together with erstwhile opponents so that you can create a better tomorrow? if you could, then perhaps you love your country.

would you be willing to give your life for your country? and gladly do so? if you do, then perhaps you love your country.

if you are willing to do all these for seemingly no logical reasons, not because it is greater than any other countries, not because it is perfect. if you are willing to do all these despite of (and perhaps even inspite of) the faults and shortcomings of your country, if you are willing to do all these for no other reasons other than the fact that this is YOUR country, YOUR nation, YOUR home, THEN perhaps you love your country.

do you love your country?


Blogger sa said...

I LOVE my country. But I also LOVE myself much more to stifle my own personal growth and development by staying in my own country all my life. When an opportunity arises for me to venture abroad, I would grab it. It's also out of love for my country that I do it. To know what lies out there and bring forth those good into our country and move for the better.

8:44 AM

Blogger jasmi said...

But what if your country doesnt want to change? What if this "better society" that you want to create is not something that your country wants? Would you still compromise on your beliefs and live on in this country that you love?

8:41 AM

Blogger sa said...

Ure right Jas. In reality, this is it. Change is not something people want, although change is the only constant in this world.

Revolution is not done in a single day. To that, I can only hold on to my beliefs and hopefully strong enough not to waver and bend to authorities or pressure with the persecutions that fall on me. In any case, I'm looking more at commercial affairs in the near future. heh.

3:17 PM

Blogger rench00 said...

I would work on it. and find out why it is that what i want is not what my country wants. and i will try to reconcile the differences, rather than give up on either completely. i believe that it is possible.

3:34 PM

Blogger Beach-yi said...

You are naive in thinking you can do that. You can only hope to change people's ideas on how they think they might want their country to be like one person at a time.

Unless of course there is some impending catastrophe that the current system cannot avert and maybe then when people see the system's failings would they think of what else works.

But then again, half the people in the country would flee somewhere judging by the cost-benefit system of thinking that have been so wel internalised by many of the Singaporeans.


11:49 AM


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