Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What I Did Last Week

i masqueraded as a student for my school's orientation. and guess what? there were really students who believed that i was a retainee... guess i do have the ability to act a chao ah beng. ha...

but i must say that masquerading as a student in orientation was super fun. i am more tanned now and have quite a husky, sexy voice. but it also made me realise that i have indeed grown old. can't quite keep up with the youngsters. sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

besides looking a tad too tall for ur age, and old with that unshaven moustache of yours, i must say you look pretty young still! haha :) i hope u enjoyed urself.and take care of your voice! :) i had an awesome time catching up with u mr chua :) all the best!
with love, pearlyn (25th SC)

10:24 PM

Blogger wu said...

it shows that u r still young! no1 realised u were not a student! btw, u club too?

11:10 PM

Blogger kristy~ said...

am MUCH MUCH MUCH more tanned than you.. lols..

8:12 PM

Blogger <=§hEryL=> said...

not that old lahhhhh=)still can be a student leh!

1:47 PM


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