Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Stellar Camp

so we did a camp for the many stars that are coming in to form our constellation.

we knew that the HCI students look at a lot of the issues from a very academic point of view. most of what they know come from what they read from the newspapers, academic reports and books (if they read these at all... that is). but few have really experienced these issues for themselves, and even fewer can empathise with them.

and that is what we tried to do at the camp.

we were moderately successful. giving them each $10 for three days made them realise the importance and value of money. they fought so hard for that extra $1.50 per person and when they got it, it seemed as if they won the lottery. and that cup of sugarcane juice that they bought with it was so much sweeter. and all these are according to them.

the other activity which they learnt a lot from was the negotiation game. and of course, the quality of the camp depend not so much on the games and/or activities but the bullshitology skills of the facilitators. which i know i was damn good at. so there were some implicit lessons woven into the 3 days.

not only that, this is a start in the development of the friendship. especially with the 5 students from the Madrasah. and most of that was through informal sessions, playing cards, drinking tea, eating dates and idle chit chat. the SMS and emails from some of them that I received were really encouraging.

so hopefully, as they continue through their various projects with the Taman Jurong, they will be able to see and experience for themselves all the various things that we have tried to communicate to them and would be better prepared for these experiences (both to add value to the community and to learn from these experiences) because of the camp we organised for them.

and hopefully, as these group of students go on to win scholarships and become key leaders of our government or businesses, they will remember these lessons learnt. and also me. so that they can offer me my own private jet as a debt of gratitude... okok... i jest.

well... it's still a long way to go. hopefully, will be able to get the Madrasah students to continue building their relationship with the HCI students.


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