Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dates. In. UK.

didn't know that there are actually many different kind of dates around! Ajwa is one. and of the three types (i don't know how to spell the names of the other 2) that i tasted the other day, Ajwa is the most expensive (i think it's Ajwa...), costing up to $80 a kilo! it's pretty nice. but i preferred the first one that i tasted. cos that was the sweetest and the juiciest.

heh... what were you thinking of? that i was talking about dates with ladies? nah... i don't forsee any of that happening for some time to come. though i had the pleasant company of 4 ladies last evening. nothing unusual. just the usual Flab 4 plus Jess and ML (Jeremy's "My Love"...) and of the group last night, there were 4 people whose names started with "J". and we all went to watch Aeon Flux.

it was an alright show. one could, if one was so inclined, start reading into it, thinking of all the themes of morality, sacrifices for the greater good, nature of life, etc etc. but i won't. not least because that would make this post a serious one (and i'm still trying to dumb my blog down...) but also because i am now quite tired. and multi-tasking. and being very bad at it.

anyways. what was it i was saying? oh yar. Aeon Flux. pretty action. pretty actress. but lots of flaws in the story. fortunately, it was brainless enough for all of us, who were pretty sedated after a good meal at Sun with Moon. but didn't get to see pretty waitress (and Jeremy, despite whatever you say, i think that waitress is pretty) much cos we were in a VIP room, thanks to Jasmine's magic... she apparently showed the waitress a smelly face and they let us have the VIP room.

it's wondrous what a smelly face can do for you (and smelly socks can be stuffed into... nvm). but i don't suppose it'll win you many friends. speaking of which, i am reading "Little Red Dot". and one essay is by former President, the late Mr Wee Kim Wee about how to win friends. and food and wine is one of them. i do miss the days of cooking for friends in Bristol.

i've not been cooking for years (about 2?). i wonder whether i still can... i see Jamie Oliver on TV mobile and think, "Gee... he makes it look so simple." and then he speaks with that lisp and that accent, and when he goes scooting around London for groceries, it just brings back memories (not that i've gone scooting for groceries in London...). watching him go around London, i could almost feel the dry, cold London air, the oppressive greyness of the place, the weird sense of solitude. and that inevitably makes me think of Bristol.

i will have to make a trip back to that country. just to visit. and who knows... i might pull a bird there. ha... i'll be so lucky...

shucks. after all this randomness, i'm still stuck. still can't seem to figure out how to continue with this paper. perhaps inspiration will come to me as i sleep.

come come, beauteous sleep. claim me!


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