Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Friday, December 23, 2005

King Kong

as i watched the show, a few questions kept leaping through my mind.
  1. damn hairy lah that gorilla. and we all know that hair traps sweat, lice, a whole variety of bugs. that gorilla must thus stink like hell.
  2. there were many T-Rex's, Brontos, Velocireptors (however do you spell that name...). why is there only one King Kong?
  3. where did all those indigenous people go? they seemed to have very conveniently and politely disappeared as the plundering ang-moh's came in to rescue the damsel in distress. why? if i were the indigenous people, i would have stayed around and run guerilla warfare on the ang-moh's. would have gotten me a few good meals.
  4. how the hell did they lug that gorilla back to New York? as i recall, they were trying desperately to get rid of anything that is not bolted down before they could get that sampan of theirs moving. but a big hairy gorilla's not a problem?
  5. why didn't King Kong splatter all over the place when he fell of the Empire State building? from that staggering height, one would expect his guts and brains to be splattered all over, literally painting the town red. and anyone who wants a piece of him would have to scrape him off the sidewalk with a spatula. but no. he remained in one piece.

but it's only just a show. next up, Narnia (or perhaps The Promise...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, how about when he grabs the spar of the biplane and swings it around in a lariat? Those things are notoriously fragile and the spar should have just come off in his hands (ex aerospace engineer here). Although like you said, just a movie.

12:39 PM

Blogger rench00 said...

yar. and how that Jimmy kid could shoot off all the bugs from Jack while Jack is flailing around without hitting Jack at all. considering that Jimmy's never held a gun before... his learning curve is damn steep...

but it's only a movie...

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

RYN: Yeah, it's a matter of "elastic" and "inelastic". I read the note in question, and I've spent a lot of time talking to people of all social strata when I was in England; I don't know what Bristol is like, but between nightclubs and university, you meet all kinds of people from street scum to rich scum, and then there are the people you meet in forums, including a long stint I spent in a law-enforcement forum learning about what police are _really_ like to get background on a series I'm currently writing.
I suppose seeing a lot of people who are always living hand to mouth and still sticking within the boundaries of the law -- one of my fellow diarists and noters, for example--makes me far less sympathetic to "I only did it cause I needed the money." I mean _I_ need money, about $300 000 worth of it for a HDB flat, and I haven't robbed a bank yet.

8:05 PM


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