i was just doing some work on MS Word. and i spelt defence as... well... 'defence'. MS word showed that it was wrong. and it reminded me of a joke i heard in the UK on the 'Bremner, Bird and Fortune Show'. it says that it is easy to know when you are in the US and not in the UK. because they spell the word defence differently. in the UK, it is spelt 'd-e-f-e-n-c-e'. in the US, it is spelt... 'a-t-t-a-c-k'.
it was a sarcastic jibe at the second Iraq War which was supposed to be defending US interests and security. that,as we all know, is bullshit. and that is what the Bush administration will be remembered for. BULLSHIT.
let's hope the American People chooses wisely. that the next President won't be as jingoistic and myopic. i.e. not the team with Sarah Palin in it...