Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where am I headed to? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea. A cynic, an idealist, a person with ideas, but NATO. Am I? I really don't know. RNFI. Really No F**king Idea.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


in my bid to fulfil my resolution of being able to drink more, i went drinking on Friday. i think i have improved... slightly... but that is not the point of this post. the point of this post is what alcohol induced in me that particular night:
  1. sleepiness which passes and then i'm wide awake. with my head throbbing... nigh... pounding. which also passes...
  2. more intense awareness of various parts of my body... as if each part has a mind of its own and are all talking... nigh... screaming at me at the same time.
  3. i thought about W. about how surreal my relationship with W. was, how incredibly strange it was that W. and i even got close enough to have what happened to us happen to us. and i had this intense feeling of missing her... it felt like my intestines were twisted, my lungs got all compressed and my heart ached terribly.
  4. i also had an intense desire of seeing some people that i am not that particularly close to. perhaps it's my subconscious trying to tell me something... well... we'll see...

Jasmine, the reason why that post you had on your blog resonates with me that much is because W. once wrote me something very similar. i can't (perhaps cos i don't want to) find it anymore. but i can still remember, very vividly, the feeling i had as i read that particular note.

on a lighter note. i think Dian Xiao Er has quite good food. problem is that the place is quite small... so there's usually a queue. go early to avoid disappointment. alternatively, make reservations in advance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww... For me it's the other way round: I actually wake up first, then if I drink more, I start to get a bit sleepy. I don't think I've ever drunk to the point of getting depressed, but I do get pretty cheery sometimes. If anything, alcohol makes me talk like a normal person, and usually I don't talk at all.

12:31 PM


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